논문 정보저자:Shreya M. Shelke , Indrayani S. Pathak , Aniket P. Sangai, Dipali V. Lunge, Kalyani A. Shahale, Harsha R. Vyawahare소속:Sipna College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati, Maharashtra, India 논문 업데이트 내역출판 : 2023년 03월 International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology(IJARSCT)논문 & Github 링크doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.48175/IJARSCT-8901 AbstractCV 기술의 최신 동향과 ..
논문 정보저자:Victor WileyThomas Lucas소속:Teknik Informatika, TSCC Jakarta Indonesia인용: 2024.07.04 기준 265회 논문 업데이트 내역출판 : 2018년 6월논문 & Github 링크doi : https://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v2i1.42 Computer Vision and Image Processing: A Paper Review | Wiley | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence ResearchAbstract Computer vision has been studied from many persective. It expands from raw data recordi..
논문 정보저자:Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey E. Hinton소속:University of Toronto인용: 2024.06.21 기준 129982 논문 업데이트 내역게시 : 2012.12 (NIPS 2012)논문 & Github 링크논문 https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2012/file/c399862d3b9d6b76c8436e924a68c45b-Paper.pdf github의 경우 이전 논문이라 공식적인것은 없음 (구현의 경우 https://github.com/dansuh17/alexnet-pytorch/tree/d0c1b1c52296ffcbecfbf5b17e1d1685b4ca6744 참고) Ab..
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논문 정보저자:Ao Wang, Hui Chen, Lihao Liu, Kai Chen, Zijia Lin, Jungong Han, Guiguang Ding소속:Tsinghua University인용:2024.06.13 기준 3회 논문 업데이트 내역초판 제출(v1) : 2024년 5월 23일논문 & Github 링크Arxivhttps://arxiv.org/abs/2405.14458 YOLOv10: Real-Time End-to-End Object DetectionOver the past years, YOLOs have emerged as the predominant paradigm in the field of real-time object detection owing to their effective ba..